Time Matters Part II
posted: Friday, June 20, 2014
Last time we talked about how important it is to spend time with every customer and ask the right questions. We also pointed out that by asking the right questions, a salesperson can actually save time instead of just showing a customer everything on display. However, I understand that salespeople are always looking for more time to spend with more customers.
With that in mind, here are a few things every salesperson can do to save time and spend more of their time on the floor with the customers:
Stay on top of the paper work: This is probably the biggest single thing that costs time for everyone in the business world, including salespeople. No one I know enjoys the paper work part of the job, but it is necessary. The problem comes into play when we keep putting it off and putting it off until eventually we have to spend an entire day playing catch up.
The solution is an obvious one, but it does take discipline. Complete your paper work for each transaction as they happen or at the very least, complete it at the end of each day. If you can do this consistently, then you will find you have more time to spend with customers.
Schedule time of follow-up calls: If you are selling items that require follow-up calls, make sure you have a set time to make them. By doing so, you assure they are getting done and you are not scrambling when you could be helping that young couple who just walked through the door.
Limit gossip: I’m not going to tell you not to share your big news with your co-workers, or not to talk about the game over weekend, but I am going to tell you to keep it to minimum. When a salesperson is on the floor, their focus should be on the customers. Even if the customer declines your assistance initially, they can change their mind in an instant and we need to be ready.
Those are just three things every salesperson can do to save some time, there are many more. The bottom line is this: anything that takes you away from the floor is taking away opportunities for you to sell. Take a few minutes and make sure you are using your time wisely; it will be time well spent.
FINAO - Brad Huisken