Ten Weeks Until The Holiday Season Starts!
posted: Friday, September 11, 2009
I am writing this blog post from London where I have just finished the IJL International Jewellery London Show. Last week I was in Vancouver, the week before Columbus, prior to that the Atlanta Show and next week the Toronto Show. Jewelers and retailers all over the world are finalizing their buys and gearing up their merchandise selections of the all important fourth quarter and holiday season.
Still, everywhere I go I still hear all the bad habits at 99% of the stores I visit. Salespeople are saying "can I help you, will that be all, you didn't need any help did you, here's my card, pointing customers to the merchandise, and on and on.
Have you trained, fined tuned, inspired, and role-played, good, solid selling skills with your staff or for yourself, if you are a salesperson reading this? Has the sales manager, store manager, owner or individual salesperson started fine tuning to maximize sales during this, what might be for some, make it or break season? Do you have non-negotiable sales and customer service standards set and being adhered to in your store? Has the staff been trained on how to create additional traffic, how to speed up the selling process, upgrade potential sales, convert shoppers and service customers to buyers, sell additional items, develop relationships to insure success next year, capture contact information with permission for future follow-up, handle objections, effectively turn-over sales that are going no where, create value, sell themselves and the store, enhance value, ask add-on questions, demonstrate your products and ultimately close sales?
If you haven't, there is good news, you still have time. If you haven't, or don't intend too, how can you expect any different result this year than last. Even if last year was OK or good for you, are you getting all you can out of the traffic that comes into the store? You have invested in your merchandise - now invest in the success of your store and staff. Invest time in training your people or yourself to maximize every opportunity that walks through the door. Dust off the training videos, DVD's, CD's or training manuals. Review your trade publications, go back and read past issues of this blog. Do something to take a proactive approach to grow the business. If you don't have a training program, contact us we have a few left, send your sales manager to the Train The Trainer Course, heck just do something everyday to improve your skills, abilities, and knowledge between now and this holiday season. I don't think it has ever been more important than it is right now - at least for the last 38 years that I have been in retail!
FINAO: Failure Is Not An Option - Brad Huisken - President, IAS Training