Know Your People!
posted: Friday, October 9, 2009
There's a belief by many that you don't win with strategies or plans; you win with people. Do you believe that? I certainly do and that's what I want to touch on today. As sales managers, it is important that you hire and train the right people. However, the hiring and training piece is the easy part. It requires effort and time on your part as a successful sales manager. I will begin by sharing with you an experience that I had last week.
I was having my lunch and at the next table were some type of utility workers that were having what appeared to be a "working" lunch. Although I wasn't trying to listen, we were pretty close and it was tough not to, not that I had any clue what they were talking about anyway. They proceeded to discuss work related items and the like and then it happened. After they had finished the "business" part of their discussion, the gentlemen who was obviously the supervisor asked his employee a question that raised my eyebrows.
He asked, "How are you?" Simple question, right? The employee started to answer in work related terms and the supervisor stopped him and said, "No I mean how are YOU doing, how is your family, are you doing okay?" The employee told his supervisor about his wife, and although I couldn't hear all of the details, it was obvious that there was something going on that was bothersome. They talked for a while longer and then the supervisor said, "Well, hang in there. If there is anything that I, or the company can do to help, please let me know."
As they headed off I was thinking WOW, if I was that employee there is not anything I would not do for my supervisor. Anybody can be a "manager" and tell people what to do but a successful manager cares about their people both at work and away from work.
As a sales manager, don't be afraid to learn and know about your salespeople. If you take the five minutes to ask how your salespeople are doing from time to time, you will be happy with the results.
FINAO: Failure Is NotOption
Brad Huisken - President, IAS Training