Sales Management Principles!

posted: Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Last week, we discussed the three different types of salespeople, and how a sales manager should go about identifying the types and how to help them to increase productivity. Today I want to begin the process of examining the principles to being a more successful and effective sales manager.

The first of those principles is managing each of your people as individuals. As we touched on last week, no two people are the same and they do not react the same way. A successful sales manager will take the time to get to know each of their salespeople, and how to work with them in a way that will lead to both increased sales and a happy employee. If coaching or constructive criticism is necessary, then it should always be performed in a one-on-one private session. However, I always encourage you to praise a salesperson for a job well done in public. Often times, nothing motivates a person more than being told they did a good job in the presence of their peers.

You probably became a sales manager because you were a successful salesperson; don't forget where you came from. Remember the hard work that got you to the position you are in now, and apply the same principles as a manager. If you are asking your staff to be at work at 8:00, then you should be in before them and working every bit as long as they are. Salespeople are going to respect you if you adhere to the standards that you set. In this case, "Do as I say, not as I do" does not fly. Lead by example which is principle number two. Your sales staff, along with increased productivity, will follow.

Install discipline within your organization is principle number three. In any team, sport, or business, discipline is always vital to a successful organization. Every element of society has its own rules and regulations. Your job as a sales manager is to make sure your staff knows all of the rules and regulations, as well as the reasons for their existence. You also must not be afraid to enforce the rules and regulations when necessary. The fastest way to lose the respect of your staff is to have different rules for different people, so don't do it! All rules and regulations should be written down. If it is not written down, it isn't real!

Next week we will kick it off with the Golden Rule of Sales Management! In the meantime, remember your biggest asset as a manager is the people you manage!

FINAO - Failure is Not An Option

Brad Huisken

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