Handling Objections, Part Four!
posted: Friday, July 15, 2011
No salesperson likes to hear objections, but it is the ones who master the art of overcoming them that will thrive. I really don’t like the word overcoming, as that implies that we may not be actually listening to our prospects and "fixing" the objection. With that thought in mind, let’s examine the seven steps to effectively handling any objection.
FINAO - Brad Huisken
- Listen to the entire objection- It is human nature to try and solve a problem before we hear the whole problem. Allow your prospect to state their objection(s) without interrupting them. They are expressing their concerns and you could miss the real objection if you do not listen completely.
- Acknowledge the objection- Simply let your prospect know verbally that you have heard and understand their objection and are about to address their concerns.
- Give agreement- This is designed to let the customer know that they are not in for an argument and that you understand their objection. It’s important to note that giving agreement does not mean that you agree with them. For example if they say, "I need to think it over." Your response should be, "It’s a big decision. Would you like to review the benefits that buying this product will afford you?" The question, as always, is designed for the prospect to answer with a yes.
- Relieve resistance- There may be some leftover fear or tension in your prospect that is to be expected in a big purchase. Let them know that they are making the right decision by saying something like, "before you go." Then reinforce the points that got them interested in the product in the first place.
- Review the NA=A/DA- By simply reviewing the needs assessment and the wants of your prospect, you can clarify that you understood exactly what they wanted and needed. This will allow you to better understand the nature of the objection, enabling you to address it effectively.
FINAO - Brad Huisken