Customer Service Over Prices!

posted: Friday, February 18, 2011

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I was watching TV the other day and I was struck by the number of commercials from discount stores that were promoting various sales and different promotions. You’ve all seen them, especially at this time of year. 40% off of this or 50% off of that. Then there are the sales that have time restrictions; such as, from 7:00 to 9:00 all widgets are 80% off to anyone whose name starts with a J. Ok, that last one is a stretch, but you understand the point. As I watched these commercials, I started to take mental notes and two things struck me. The first: they were all offering basically the same deals, just using different words. The second is none of them talked about the one thing that really could make a difference. Do you know what it is?

Not a single one of those ads mentioned customer service or things that they offered, other than low prices, that would be of value to customers. Obviously we all want low prices. At the end of the day, all of these stores have roughly the same prices, so how do you separate yourself? The answer is simple; offer something that your customers cannot get at the other stores.

This does not have to be difficult or anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, I believe that most stores are providing great customer service, but I would just like to see it emphasized a little more than it is now.

As we’ve all ready stated, most stores are offering the same products for roughly the same prices. So in order to attract customers to your store, it is imperative that your quality of customer service be high. With that said, here are some reminders of basic customer service:
  • Use a customer’s name when possible and/or appropriate
  • Keep your promises, no matter how small
  • Follow through on what you say you are going to do
  • Remember that the customer is always first (the stocking can wait, the customer won’t)
  • Smile; you’d be shocked on how a simple smile can make someone’s day
Those are just a few things to keep in mind as you are trying to attract customers, or assisting them while they are in your store. Many stores sell the same products. Separate yourself by the customer service that you provide.

FINAO - Brad Huisken

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