Tracking Your Success
posted: Friday, October 13, 2017
Today’s Sales Insight was written by Dave Mink of Trax Sales.
Dear Friends of IAS Training,
I have known Brad for over 30 years and believe his program to be the best of its kind in retail.
I just attended one of his three-day training sessions and found it to be totally complete. The first day is jam-packed with the basic fundamentals of sales training and what it takes to be a top producer on any retail sales floor. The second day focuses on management and the psychology behind inspiring salespeople to perform at top levels. The final day brings all the lessons together and uses role playing to focus on how to implement Brad’s techniques at any location. Like Brad says… role playing is like swinging two bats in the batter’s box, it’s uncomfortable but when you get up to really swing- it’s much easier!
My company TraxSALES manufactures accurate camera-based front door customer traffic counters with time stamps and a CRM program that combines automates with Salesforce and guarantees that your employees do an excellent job of customer follow-up. Each manager or owner is provided accurate closing ratios not just for each store but also by individual salesperson.
Our easy to use system give each salesperson their own personal database of sold and unsold customers and the tools to follow-up easily and efficiently, guaranteeing higher closing ratios.
You will learn your cost per opportunity by advertiser. What are the strengths and weaknesses on your sales floor? What is your closing ratio by product category by salesperson? How far does each sales person get in the selling process if they don't make a sale? What is your closing ratio for be-back customers by salesperson? And remember all of this is captured in about 10 seconds after the customers leave! Trax is so easy to use it takes less than 10 minutes to completely train your entire sales team.
Additionally, TraxSALES software automatically sends out beautiful emails to sold and unsold customers. How many times have you received a thank you letter from a company where you had not purchased yet?
Our newest feature is the Trax Texting Service. We provide each showroom their own mobile number so each salesperson can send texts through our CRM. Managers or owners receive all logs and history in one place.
The bottom line is you will have a timestamped photo of every customer who enters your store and be able to account for every customer that each sales person speaks with. Most important, your sales staff will love it because it will help them close more sales and follow up properly with unsold customers. Our simple guarantee: if we cannot help each salesperson increase sales by between $5,000-10,000 per month, we will take the system back with a smile.