The Benefit-Review Close

posted: Friday, April 29, 2011

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Based on many things that we have explored in these articles, it is far easier to close the sale when we are selling based on the reason(s) that the customer wants to buy. Through asking questions like "What is important to you in selecting a __________?" we are now selling based on the reason the customer wants to buy and not just the reason(s) that the salesperson thinks they should buy. I call it the NA=A/DA Theory - Needs Assessment equals answers / demonstrate the answers. To use this technique to close the sale, use the benefit-review close technique.

The benefit-review close is used to summarize the information you’ve learned and used during the sales presentation. By using this information followed by a closing question, the appropriate close is being delivered to the customer. In short, review what they told you in the needs assessment and what you gave them in the demonstration, and use the information to close the sale. Below are some examples of benefit-review closes:

  • The ring is the perfect shape you like, in your price range and has the insurance appraisal included. Would you like it gift wrapped?
  • This dining room set matches your other furniture perfectly and has the leaves to extend the table when entertaining. Let’s start the paperwork?
  • This computer has the memory you need, already has the programs loaded that you requested, has the ability for any upgrades you may need and is available in the store today. Shall we work up the maintenance agreement?
You may have noticed that I assumed information in the examples above. Remember you have earned the right to assume the product or service is what the customer wants, or needs. The benefit-review close often is the best option in order to close the sale, again, based on the reason(s) the customer wants to buy.

The benefit-review close is a summary of the information learned throughout the presentation is very effective in closing the sale.

FINAO - Brad Huisken

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