Goal Setting Part Three!

posted: Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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As we started to talk about goals last time, we touched on a few helpful hints. Today we will pick up where we left off, and the first thing we will examine is the concept of allowing for handicapping.

Allow for handicapping: This principle is exactly what it sounds like. Just as in golf, sometimes a handicap is needed to even the playing field. In the simplest terms, it is giving an individual salesperson higher or lower goals based on their current situation. Those situations are as follows:
  1. When an individual salesperson is new within their first 90 or 120-day training period.
  2. When an individual salesperson is trending above the goal and stretch goal level, we need to adjust their goal to their current individual running rate.
  3. When an individual is consistently working non-productive hours.
  4. Any other unusual circumstance that the salesperson knows would make the current goals unrealistic or unattainable.
Constantly talk numbers--targets and goals: As we have been discussing in relation to goals, they are what guide us, motivate us, and give us a tool to measure our progress. Therefore, it would do us no good to only occasionally talk about those goals and targets. There are too many times when the goals we have set are talked about initially, and then forgotten about as everyday situations cloud our vision. By constantly bringing up and talking about the goals that are set for both each individual and the company as a whole, you make it known that those goals are the expectations, and not something just written on a piece of paper.

The final numbers are a result--Work on the actions that get the result: Not every salesperson is going to reach every goal that you set for them, but that does not mean they won't the next time. It is up to you, the sales manager, in concert with the salesperson, to identify the area(s) that need to be corrected. The result is only telling you that something can be better; it is the action that got the result that is correctable and coachable. For example, if a salesperson is making sales but not adding-on enough, then it is time to work on that aspect of their sales presentation.

We will start here again next time with a focus on the word accountability, both for the sales manager and the salesperson.

FINAO - Brad Huisken

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