Social Media Part 3
posted: Friday, February 9, 2018
Customer service is the name of the game when it comes to sales; and those salespeople who provide the best customer service generally close the most sales. The question is: can the social media world that we live in today be an asset in providing quality customer service?
The primary advantage of social media is it does provide immediate feedback of how you are doing. For example, if a customer had a great experience with your company and posts that experience on Facebook, then you reap the benefits almost immediately. It’s possible that another potential customer will see that post and make a beeline for your store.
Of course, it is also possible and probably more likely that customers will post about negative experiences. However, this is also an opportunity to provide customer service. At least this way, you know about the issue and go about fixing it and making sure it never happens again.
Along those same lines, social media allows for transparency and that by itself is a customer service. When customers are upset, they want to be heard and have their issue addressed. The immediacy of social media allows for that to happen.
Transparency is also a benefit for those who aren’t customers yet. They see how you deal with complaints or they see how many people are satisfied with your services. Either way, it’s a chance for you and your company to be open and honest with their customers, as well as their perspective customers.
Just the simple of idea of being on social media, you are increasing your brand name. Even if a perspective customer isn’t in the market for jewelry right now, they might be in the future. If they have seen your brand and/or the high quality of customer service that you provide online, then it’s very possible that they will come to you when they are ready.
Social media does also make follow up easier. Don’t get me wrong, handwritten thank you notes are always the way to go, but a quick email or private message on Facebook can immediately let your customers know that you are thinking of them, and that their satisfaction is important to you.
Social media, in short, is another avenue for salespeople to provide the highest quality of customer service. We may not all like it, but social media is here to stay, you may as well use it to your advantage.
FINAO - Brad Huisken