
posted: Friday, June 18, 2010

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We've spent some time now talking about goals, setting goals for both your individual salespeople and for your team as a whole. We've also talked about how to track progress toward the goals and coaching when the goals are not being met. Today I want to move on to a subject that goes hand in hand with goals, and that is accountability.

Simply put, accountability is ensuring that the people on your sales team are working toward, and ultimately meeting, the goals that you have set for them. It is a way of keeping score in order to track the progress in reaching the goals, both by company and individual. If people are not aware of how they are doing in relationship to goals and standards that you have set, then how can you expect them to succeed?

Every company has numbers that they set based on many factors, but there are some questions you can ask yourself to assist you in holding your staff accountable.

Why should salespeople be held accountable to numbers? As we've all ready touched on, having set goals and numbers is the only real way to track progress. Imagine if a college student just went to class but never had to be graded. There is no way of knowing if they've learned and retained the information. A salesperson can be perfect in presentation and closing techniques, but if they are not actually selling, then what are they offering the company?

What numbers should you track? This is really a question that needs to be answered by each individual sales manager. However, tracking your sales, sales to goal, add-ons, average sale, transactions per hour and Closing Ratio are the primary numbers that I suggest.

Total sales are a result of other actions. As we've discussed before, you cannot coach total sales but you can coach the actions the lead to the sales result. If a salesperson is not reaching their goals because they cannot close, then you provide additional training on closing techniques.

Setting goals is the first part of accountability, but that must be followed by holding people accountable to reaching the goals. By doing so, you will increase the total sales of each salesperson and sales as a whole.

FINAO - Brad Huisken

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