It's Not Like It Used To Be!
posted: Friday, July 2, 2010
Over the Long Term - People drive a business - Products and Prices Won't!
The only thing that separates a mediocre business from a failing business, from a highly successful, profitable business, is the people that work there. Yet, business owners are constantly saying that they can't grow their businesses because they lack the human resources. "It's not like it used to be!" "Sales would be increasing if only we had the right people." "The sales manager is weak and can't train and manage the people." "You can't find good people anymore." "People don't want to work hard to make a living these days". "People expect top pay without top performance." "People just don't care anymore about doing a good job." "I won't train my people because they will just leave and go somewhere else." "Training is too expensive." "I never was trained and they can learn it on their own." "I can do all the training myself." Any of these sound familiar? Well all have been proven to be inaccurate. I have seen too many successful operations where the people are having fun, producing and loving the work that they do, to believe that it can't be done. I know there are still good people who want to do a great job at what they do. Sure they want to be rewarded - who doesn't? They are simply much harder to find and even harder to keep. I have to put the blame soundly where it deserves to be in the majority of situations - with the Owners and Managers and even the Salespeople!
I suggest owners ask themselves this question before questioning their salespeople's success: What are you doing to guarantee your people's success, self-esteem, personal growth, pride, self-satisfaction, ability to provide, upward mobility and future within your organization?
I suggest salespeople ask themselves this question: What are you doing to guarantee your personal success and are you taking responsibility for your own destiny?
Only through knowledge and training can people be the experts that your customers expect them to be and the professionals that they want to be!
FINAO - Brad Huisken